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SSC English 1st paper seen passage. A responsibility is a....country as a whole.

A Responsibility 

Read the following passage and  answer the questions below :

A responsibility is a duty or an obligation to do something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to society and the government, e.g. to help a neighbour in trouble or to cast your vote if you are 18 or over A responsibility is also an obligation or a duty not to do something. For example, you have the responsibility not to steal a book from a public library or not to pile up your building materials on the footpath. These are your responsibilities as citizens. But, there are responsibilities of the nt as well. Our government has the responsibilities to provide for its citizens "the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care". The government also has the responsibilities to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equality of all before law etc. The knowledge, skills and attitudes you have gained at home, at school and in society will help you to be aware of your responsibilities and to carry them out effectively. Remember, discharging your responsibilities will be good for you, good for your family and friends, and good for your society and country as a whole.

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

Marks : 1 x7 =7

(a) What is main theme of the passage?

(I) We should be aware of our responsibilities.

(ii) We should be aware of our responsibilities and those of the government.
(iii) Government should fulfill its responsibilities.
(iv) We should fulfill our responsibilities.

(b) Which of the following is not oun fundamental right?

(i) Freedom of religion

(ii) Freedom of the press
(iii) Freedom of conflict
(iv) Freedom of speech and expression

(c) In old age parents should be---.

(i) looked after

(ii) overlooked
(iii) looked down
(iv) looked about

(d) A student's duty is to ----knowledge.

(i) forfeit

(ii) acquire
(iii) give up
(iv) relinquish

(e) A citizen becomes a voter when s/he is-----

(i) below eighteen

(ii) under eighteen
(iii) beneath eighteen
(iv) eighteen or over

(f) The word 'discharge' means

(i) disobey

(ii) neglect
(iii) carry-out
(iv) avoid

(g) "Freedom of the press" is one of the - rights of citizens.

(i) unnecessary

(ii) illogical
(iii) basic
(iv) useless

 2. Answer the following questions.

Marks :2 x 5=10

(a) What Is responsibility?Write down one responsibility that you have as a citizen.

(b) What are the basic necessities of life?Who is responsible for providing these neccessuties?

(c) Where do we gain knowledge, skills and attitudes?Why do we gain them?Describe in 2/3 sentences.

(d) Describe in short the responsibilities of a student.

(e) Why should we discharge our responsibilities properly? Explain in 2/3 sentences.

Answer :

Ans of MCQ:

1.(a) (i) We should be aware of our responsibilities and those of the government.
(b) (iii) Freedom of conflict.
(c) (i) looked after
(d) (iii) acquire
(e) (iv) eighteen or over
(f) (i) carry out
(g) (iii) basie

Ans of Questions :

2. (a) Responsibility is a duty or an obligation to do something.As a citizen, I have a responsibility to attend school and pursue my studies properly

(b) Food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care are the basic necessities of life.The government of the country is responsible for providing us with these necessities.

(c) We gain knowledge, skills and attitudes at home, at school and in society.We gain them as our citizens' rights.

(d) A student has the responsibility of gaining knowledge by attending school and pursuing his studies properly.Moreover he has to look after his parents, help the neighbours in trouble and carry out his duties to the country.

(e) We should discharge our responsibilities properly so that our family, our society and even our country might flourish.If we fail to do so, there will be disorder everywhere.

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