A Moonlit Night Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC
A Moonlit Night
The night in which the moon spreads its heavenly light on earth is called a moonlit night.A moonlit night is reall charming and enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight.It dazzles our eyes and soothes our heart.In a moonlit night the moon looks like a disc of silver.The moon bathes the whole world with her silvery light.The fields, forests and trees become surprisingly beautiful in a moonlit night. Lakes, rivers and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night.The water of tiver and sea becomes unbelievably beautiful in a moonlit night.The waves of sea look heavenly.The grand spectacles that the lakes, tivers and tanks present cannot be described in words.The, whole nature looks bright and appears in celestial light.People of all ages enjoy a moonlit hight.Young boys play and little boys and girls make merriment and amuse themselves.A moonlit night is very enjoyable to a newly married couple.They can enjoy the beauty of the night to their-heart's content. Poets of all languages have sung highly of a moonlit night.They always find a moonlit night romantic and cyc-catching.Different pocts sec and consider a moonlit night differently.In all ages, a moonlit night remains a great source of beauty and happiness.There is none who dislikes a moonlit night in the world.In fact, a moonlit night is the great beauty created by the creator on earth.Everyone likes a moonlit night.A moonlit night is pleasant and lovely indeed.
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