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A Rickshaw Puller Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC Students.

A Rickshaw Puller 

A rickshaw puller is a familiar figure in cities and towns.The man who pulls rickshaw for money is called a rickshaw puller.A rickshaw puller generally cannot change his lot in spite of hard work.He lives from hand to mouth.Usually, he drivers rickshaw from morning to till night.Some begins at noon and ends at the dead night.A rickshaw puller works hard but he cannot maintain his family well.Most of the rickshaw pullers have not their.own rickshaw.They have to rent rickshaw from the rickshaw owners.As a rickshaw puller is very poor, he is not l well aware of the rules of good health.So, he as well as his family suffers from various diseases.Whenever strikes go on, his miseries know no bounds.He may get his rickshaw damaged in the hartals.Then his life comes to a standstill.He works very hard but cannot bring solvency in his family.Truly speaking, he remains a puller all through his life and dies as a puller.


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