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The Life of a Day Labourer Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC

The Life of a Day Labourer 

A day labourer is a person who docs tiresome works for his livelihood.He works outdoor and is usually employed in agricultural and construction work.His work needs strength rather than skill.He works hard from dawn to dusk tor his employer and is generally paid at the end of the day.He has to undergo physical and mental stress during his work time.His family depends on his income.His income is very low and sometimes he cannot earn even a subsistence income.He usually lives in a slum or a shabby house and lives a deplorable life with his family.He goes out early in the morning to look for work.He works hard the whole day, buys food for his family with his small earnings and returns home in the evening.In harvesting season his work is in great demand and he can ea more. Then he can meet the bare necessities of his life with his additional income.But in lean period, when there is not much work facilities for him, his conditions get worsened.Then he lives in misery and want.He does not have enough to eat or sometimes he starve.A day-labourer does not get due respect from the people around hi Many people look down upon a day-labourcr.But they do not know that the advancement of civilisation depends on the work of millions of day-labourers to a grcat extent.Government should take some initiatives to improve the state of a day-labourer's life.Every person in society should respect a day-labourer.

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