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My Hobby Or, My Favourite Hobby Gardening Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC.

 My Hobby

Hobby means one's favourite occupation but not one's particular business.A man does not depend on it for his ess.It is an intcresting way to enjoy our leisure.I am a enough air and sunshine.It is divided into two parts- one part is for vegetables and another is for flowers.Early in the morning I go to my loose the soil with spade.I weed out the grass with nirani.I water the plants with my own hand.Each new leaf delight me much.It gives me a feeling that I am creating something great.I grow many kinds of flowers namely- rose, sunflower, karabi, champa, hasnahena, night queen etc.in my garden o grown in my garden.They are enough for my family.Hence we do no require to buy vegetables from the market.This is indeed a great benefit to my father and family. Absence of hobby creates a voidness in our life.Hobby takes us out from the dull routine bound daily life and equips us with fresh energy for work My hobby has been proved helpful for living but it is not less important than his main busin student and I have a hobby.It is gardening.My garden is in front of our house. It gets new bud and each new leaf delight me much.It gives me a feeling that Fragrance of flowers fills me with heavenly pleasure.Besides flowers, seasonal vegetables are als my physical and mental health.It generates the sense of beauty and duty in me.

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