May Day Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC.
May Day
May 1 is celebrated as May Day or the International Workers' Day across the world.It is a greatly important and significant day in the history of labours' struggle for rights and facilities.This day is called the day of the workers The day commemorates the historic struggle of the working people throughout the world.On May 3, 1886, police fired at a crowd of strikers at the McComick Harvest Machine Company, Chicago, USA killing at least one striker, seriously wounding five or six others and injuring an undetermined numbers.As the police attacked the working people, they continued their movement.As a result, the authority was compelled to fulfil the minimum demand of the workers. For this reason, this day is marked as a red letter day in the history of labour revolution.Today's workers enjoy a minimum wage, safety laws and eight hour workday.The workers are getting all the lawful facilities day by day as they have raised their voice. The facilities and rights enjoyed by the working class today are the ultimate outcome of the struggle in 1886.Thus, the event of May Day, 1886 is a reminder that workers would continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better
pay and better lives.The day is a public holiday.Different organizations of workers organize various programmes on the day.The labourers celebrate the day remembering their heroic struggle and demanding for an exploitation.The labourers celebrat free socicty.
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