A School Magazine Paragraph for JSC/SSC/HSC Students.
A School Magazine
Literature is the mirror of a society. Such is the case with a school magazine.A school magazine is the mirror of t literary activities of a school.A school magazine is an annual publication of a school.It gives a verytransparent image of a school to the readers.It is published annually with the writings of both the young learners and the teachers. It contains poems, stories, essays, plays, riddles and what not.The young writers of the school express CJSC English Test Paper with Special Supplement themselves through the he adnaster is in the charge of the chief patron.An assistant teacher works as the editor of the magazine committee nere are some other members of the magazine committee.They are selected both from the students and the teachers.They all work collectively for the publication of the school magazine.The editor collects writings from the young learners.He then scrutinises them and selects the best ones for the magazine.After that, the editor edits the writings and make them ready to be published.A school magazine is important because it helps to flourish latent talent of the young learners.It also helps to spread name and fame of the school/college concerned.When a student gets a school magazine in hand, he feels proud of it.School magazine helps the management body of a school to upgrade the educational standard of the school as different views and opinions about education are published in school magazine.So, every school should publish a school magazine.
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